Friday, September 29, 2006


Madsen on Sibel, Plame, Grossman, Dickersons and Brewster Jennings

Wayne Madsen has a big new article about Sibel, Plame, Grossman, Dickersons and Brewster Jennings. I have posted it in full over (because Madsen doesn't have proper links) at my other blog, Wot Is It Good 4.

For those who don't know Madsen, you can read his bio here. For the record, Madsen is regarded by some as sometimes being unreliable.

A word of caution, for the record, Madsen is regarded by some as being somewhat unreliable.

When I read something like that, or read one of Madsen's or Alex Jones' more sensational reports, I start to nod, probably a conditioned response.

Then I think about everything we've seen in the last 6 1/2 years, how far the world seems to have fallen, all the garbage and lies and atrocities, and for some reason I think of Tommy Lee Jones' reference in Men In Black to scandal rags being the best source for unfiltered news.

If for no other reason, these bastards should all be damned to hell for making objective truth impossible to find.
I put the disclaimer there just as a precaution for the film makers and sibel really.

"If for no other reason, these bastards should all be damned to hell for making objective truth impossible to find."
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