Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Sibel chats with Daniel Ellsberg

Sibel has a conversation with Daniel Ellsberg (July 04) - 2 minutes.
(by request )

some quotes:
"If John Ashcroft is willing to gag Congress, publicly he is doing this, imagine what he is doing that we are not hearing about!"
For every time that they try to lie and smear me, I can put one thing out there that will haunt them for the rest of their lives - so, have them be my guest.

"I can put one thing out there that will haunt them for the rest of their lives - so, have them be my guest."

I'm dyin' to know the answer to that one!
lol. that was a classic by sibel.


let's hope there are a lot of nervous critters who cant sleep much these days.
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