Tuesday, March 27, 2007


australia broadcast

KTM showed in Australia tonight - it was heavily promoted all week by SBS.

i'll be available this week for interviews - sibel isn't available - but if she was contactable, she'd suggest that media email me

the reviews from the french screening lat last year are here

For my summary of Sibel's case (which is much broader than what we saw in the documentary) see "What the heck is Sibel Edmonds' Case about? And why should I care?"

For more background, see the recent interview I did with Scott Horton on Sibel's case, and also the joint interview that Sibel & I did with Peter B Collins last week.

Did Grossman make it into the Australian cut?
no grossman - feith & perle were the heros again. there were a few changes in the text - i'd love to compare the two.

they left out the reference to Feith's stupidity, for example.
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